Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The OLD Gray Mare Aint What She Use To Be!!!

Let me just tell you I am freaking out!!!!! This week I have PLUCKED 3 gray hairs out of my head..... I just turned 30 and my hair is already changing color? I just don't get it I am way to young to have this crap start up.... You always hear everything goes down hill once you hit the big -30- It's harder to loose weight, you get gray hair, Blah Blah Blah.......Well this is nuts! I don't like it one bit... I honestly have never even thought of
Okay so this picture is a little extreme!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. okay... The title of this post cracked me up. I am plucking away day by day. I am somewhat okay because my younger sister is much more grey than I am... too bad she is your older sister. If I can remain more grey free than you too I am sitting pretty. Too bad my ass is so much bigger than both of yours. Oh.. yeah and my foot. THinking about it...I hope you all go VERY grey fast!Remember your father was VERY grey VERY young.
