Monday, February 22, 2010


Watch out Lit'l Debbie's here I come!!!!
Okay so it is official..... I am the new Little Debbie Girl!
My man Ryan is an Independent Distributor and last year he purchased the rights to distribute Little Debbie Snacks. Ry has been so busy peddling his other stuff that we hired his sister Shenelle to help us out. Now that Briggs is a little bigger we have decided that it would be a good thing for me to help out a little bit. So today was my first day of my BIG NEW JOB.... Holy Murder I was so nervous that I was going to sleep in that I could not stop watching the clock. I finally couldn't take it anymore so I got up at 5 am and did some laundry and poked around til 6:45. I woke my boys up and took them to the tender and I was OFF!
So I get to the first store and I have Eagles Flapp'n (I don't know why- I am a freak) Shenelle is telling me what and how to do stuff and this receiver walks up to me and scans the first item and says "Invoice Number" and I yell back "OATMEAL CREME PIE" everyone just starts laughing and joking about how funny it was... And no Crap 2 minutes later I do the same thing....
Anyhoo It was actually kinda fun and I think that I will enjoy getting out of the house for about 9 hours a week.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Cedar Highlands

What a fun time we had at Cedar Highlands!
We had been sledding behind the Rhino all week. Sunday morning the Bolerjacks decided that they had to head home. Jace wanted to blaze the trail one more time before we headed south. So we loaded up on more time and you guessed it . We got the Rhino so stuck we had to leave it there over night.. We headed home and had to turn around the next day after Ryan got off work to get it out.. Uncle Chris sent the posse of Snow mobilers to pull us out!
Thank goodness for UNCLES!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Ear Update

Well we just had the 2 week check up on Briggs ears and YEP we have ANOTHER Ear Infection!!!
Holy Murder!
So I asked the Doc....." How in the world can we have another ear infection when we just had tubes put in? And his reply was "well, we dont see this very often... But here is another antibiotic and we will see you on the 18th of Feb. for another check up."
I am telling you my Briggs is high maintenance(I think he gets it from his dad)